How You Can Help
How You Can Help
Friends and Family: What You Can Do
As a Community Member

We can all work together to foster healthy, safe Labrador communities. If we stand back and decide that violence happens to someone else, in someone else's community and that there are professionals in place that will solve the problem, violence will continue.

The root of violence stems from inequality, and we all can take steps to foster change. This means examining how we think, how we act and committing to making change in our everyday lives.

Educating ourselves on the forms of violence and not tolerating them in our society means examining our own attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. Learning healthy ways of dealing with our feelings of anger and not condoning violence in our own lives is first and foremost.

Becoming involved in productive ways in your community can foster healthy relationships and role model positive attitudes for youth and children.

Take a stand to lobby for initiatives that deal with violence, poverty, illiteracy, substance abuse, housing and unemployment, which are all contributing factors to violence and crime.

See here for more tips on what You can do as a community member.

For Women Who are Victims

If you suspect a friend is being abused, there are signs you can look for such as, emotional signs like being sad or anxious. Physical signs like bruises, marks or burns. Watching for controlling behaviour from her partner like limiting where she goes, who she sees, etc.

If you suspect abuse it is very important to remember, SAFETY FIRST. In the event of a recent assault, encourage her to immediately seek medical attention. If there are children involved find out if they are ok and in a safe place. Ask if she would like to report the incident and contact the police. This is her right. Let her know there are shelters for abused women (see the list below).

It is very important to support your friend. Let her know it is not her fault and encourage, but do not pressure her to talk about the violence. Be sure she knows she has alternatives and #'s where she can call for help and that you will accompany her. Do not criticize the abuser, as often times women can become defensive. Most importantly, allow her to make her own decisions and support her no matter what.

Click here for more information on:

Also visit the Violence Prevention Initiative website for more information on what you can do, and facts on violence.
To Help a Child Who is Being Abused
Children are amongst the most vulnerable in our society, they depend on adults for their basic life necessities like food and shelter. They also depend on adults to keep them safe and teach them respect and dignity as human beings.

You can help. Being aware of the signs of abuse and taking action on behalf of a child is everyone's responsibility.

Signs of abuse can include; overly aggressive behaviors, withdrawn and submissive children and children who are failing to thrive.

Important messages to relay to a child who discloses abuse include:

  • Violence is not okay; no one deserves to be abused.
  • It's not your fault, you are not to blame.
  • All feelings are ok, but it is never ok to hurt others.
  • You have a right to happiness and safety.
  • Telling someone is the right thing to do. We don't have to keep secrets that make us feel this way.

There are services like the "Kids Help Phone" where young people and children can talk about what's bothering them.

Help them make a safety plan. Be a friend and role model. Show how to resolve problems in a healthy way.

When children reach out for help, it is our responsibility to help. Listening and believing is key, they are trusting you will help.

If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, report concerns to the Child, Youth and Family Services or police in your community. Click here for a complete listing of Crisis Contact numbers for Labrador.
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